10 Questions To Ask The Mortgage Lender Before Closing

10 Questions To Ask The Mortgage Lender Before Closing

Buying a home is a big investment, so before you close your new mortgage or refinance your mortgage, it is important to ask your lender these first ten questions so that you can make the best financial decision possible. (iStock)

Buying a new home is exciting, but it’s easy to miss the most important questions to ask a lender before closing your loan. It is important to do your research and get as much information as possible before Apply for a new mortgage or Refinance your mortgage So you can make the best possible financial decision.

Before you do anything with a mortgage loan, it is always a good idea to visit a multi-lender site like Credible to compare mortgage lenders and see what kind of mortgage rates are currently available. Check if you qualify for a low rate today.

What questions should I ask before closing the house?

Explore the top 10 questions to ask a mortgage lender before committing to a home loan.

  1. What type of mortgage do you offer and which type am I eligible for?
  2. What is my interest rate and annual interest rate?
  3. How long will it take to apply for and close a home loan?
  4. What are the loan discount points?
  5. What fees will I pay?
  6. Will my rate change over the life of the loan?
  7. Can I get insurance for my mortgage rate?
  8. Can you estimate my monthly payments?
  9. Will I Pay Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI?)?
  10. Will I pay any penalties for prepayment on this loan?

1. What type of mortgage do you offer and which type do I qualify for?

Once the lender reviews your credit and determines the budget and down payment, you will have a better idea of ​​it The type of mortgage loan That suits your needs. You have several options:

  • Conventional mortgage loans: These are not insured by the federal government.
  • Fixed rate mortgages: The rate remains the same during the life of your loan.
  • Modified mortgages: These have volatile interest rates that go up or down depending on market conditions.
  • Government Secured Mortgages: These are FHA, USDA and Virginia loans
  • Jumbo mortgages: Loans with mismatched loan limits, which means that they go beyond the limits set by Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae.
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if you want to Learn more about the different types of home loans Available now, visit Credible.

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2. What is the interest rate and annual interest rate?

The The interest rate or annual percentage rate (APR) you qualify for It usually depends on your Credit score and credit history. Some lenders will also look at employment history, income, debt-to-income ratio, and other factors to determine which rate you qualify for. Generally speaking, you will get a better rate if you have a higher credit score.

Business is essential to qualify for the lowest possible mortgage rates. With credibility, you can Find out your rate and estimated monthly payment in minutes. Plus, it’s free!

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3. How long will it take to apply for and close a home loan?

The average time from application to closing time can take anywhere between 48 and 51 days, according to Brokerage Magazine. This has been until four days since last October whenI know before you owe youMortgage disclosure rules have come into effect.

In one report, Eli May divided the average time to close by type of loan:

  • 49 days: conventional loans
  • 51 days: Purchase Credits
  • 48 days: Refinancing loans
  • 51 Days: Federal Housing Administration Loans (FHA)
  • 53 days: Veterans Affairs (VA) loans

Head over to Credible to compare rates and loan options Crossed with multiple lenders with fewer forms to fill out.

How much do you need to buy a home?

4. What are the points of discount on the loan?

With Loan discounts or mortgage points, You pay more up front for a lower interest rate on your loan. The fee of 1% of the mortgage loan amount equals one discount point, which typically reduces the interest rate by 0.25%.

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Paying discount points, or “paying down the price” is a good option if you plan to keep your mortgage beyond the break-even point – or when the monthly accumulated savings equals the down payment (points).

Mortgage rates have fallen again to new lows for the thirteenth time this year.

Current rates as of December 24:

  • 30-year fixed mortgage 2.66%
  • Fixed 15-year mortgage 2.19%
  • 1/5 Year Adjustable Mortgage (ARM) 2.79%

Credibility can guide you through the home buying process – Use their free tools to browse the different types of mortgage loans And see how much you can buy the house. You can get pre-approved for a home line within three minutes.

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6. Will my rate change during the loan term?

If you have an adjustable mortgage, the interest rate can change over the life of your loan. Even if you have a fixed rate mortgage, your payments could rise or fall if you pay your insurance through an escrow account and if your insurance payments go up or down.

Also, if your property taxes change, the security portion of your monthly payments may change as well. Or if you have paid mortgage insurance, once you can cancel the insurance, your payment will change.

Get the best mortgage rates by following these five steps

7. Can I get “rate lock” on my mortgage?

It allows you to “rate lock” on your mortgage, also called rate protection “Secure” your interest rate For a specific period of time – usually 15 to 60 days. This means that until you close your mortgage, your rate will not increase. No matter what happens in the market, even if your interest rates jump by 4%, your interest rate will not change and your lender will respect it.

If you are looking for a lower price today, then Visit Credible to see what mortgage lenders currently offer What type of rates do you qualify for according to your current financial situation.

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8. Can you estimate my monthly payments?

Your mortgage lender might be able to estimate your monthly payments, but usually this is only done after you run the numbers and pre-qualify you for a loan. However, you can also use an Online mortgage calculator to determine potential monthly payments. The Mortgage Calculator can give you a complete cost breakdown, including principal and interest, property taxes, and mortgage and insurance insurance (if you make less than a 20% down payment).

9. Will I pay private mortgage insurance (PMI)?

Whether you pay Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI) It varies from one lender to another. PMI is used to offset the lender’s risk and is usually charged if you lower it by less than 20% when purchasing your home.

The PMI is usually paid out monthly as part of the monthly mortgage payment. But it can also be paid as a one-time down payment installment at the time of closing. The cost of PMI is hard to determine, but you can estimate around 0.5% to 1% of the loan amount per year. And PMI doesn’t last forever. When your loan balance is 78% of the original cost of your home, the lender should forgo PMI.

Not sure you’ll pay PMI? Visit the Credibility for Connect with experienced loan officers And get answers to their mortgage questions.

10. Will I pay any fines on this loan?

Some lenders will impose a prepayment penalty if you pay off your loan before the end of your term. The loan agreement will likely clarify whether and when the penalty applies. If your lender charges an advance payment fine, it is usually only during the first three to five years of the loan.

Close on a new mortgage or have questions about it Refinance your current mortgage? Visit the Credibility for Receive personalized quotes and letters of pre-approval Without affecting your credit score.

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About the Author: Monica Higgins

"Професійний вирішувач проблем. Тонко чарівний любитель бекону. Геймер. Завзятий алкогольний ботанік. Музичний трейлер"

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