Your horoscope for today, January 6, 2021

Your horoscope for today, January 6, 2021

Your horoscope for today, January 6, 2021, here with astrology predictions for all the signs of the zodiac that start on Wednesday.

“As above, below…” is the motto on Wednesday, and if your first week of the year is all about trying to do things differently, then you’re in luck.

Mars enters Taurus on Wednesday.

Mars will not retreat during 2021, so its energy is straightforward.

Mars was the last retrograde of Aries in 2020, so this starts a solid and clear year for all of us as it enters the House of Money and Personal Possessions.

Mars is the planet to watch because it will be associated with the chaotic Uranus in Taurus Over the next six weeks, changes in the real estate market, finances, and possibly cryptocurrencies as well.

Related: How will the Last Quarter Moon affect your horoscope in love this week

Expect bubbles of inflation to burst and some to rise to fill the gaps left while Mars in Taurus.

There is only one week left on the full moon in Capricorn, and Wednesday The last moon shines in Libra.

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About the Author: Sapphire Robinson

"Хардкорний ботанік в Інтернеті. Гордий фахівець з кави. Науковець із соціальних мереж. Організатор. Провідник. Завзятий наркоман-зомбі. Виродник із ТБ. Дружній студент".

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