The SAG Awards are “so disappointed” with the Grammys moving onto the same date

The SAG Awards are “so disappointed” with the Grammys moving onto the same date

Illustration of an article titled The SAG Awards Extremely Frustrating About Having To Share His Big Evening With The Grammys

Photo: Tibrina Hobson (Getty Images)

The Screen Actors Guild Awards don’t get as much fanfare from the general public as the Oscars, but they are still a major night for the movie industry, and often set a tonal precedent for OsCars. On March 14th, they planned to roll out and introduce the proverbial red carpet Awards for Some of the most resonant performances of Terrible last year. But they won’t be the only oness Throwing Pandemic Fitting Party That Night: With the Recording Academy Recently, pAmorous swings for the same nightWe now have a classic, “Celebrity Kids Are Having a Party The Same Night as My Party” on our hands, and SAG doesn’t make us happy too much. This, in turn, in the plot.

Limit Reports indicate that SAG-AFTRA – which announced a plan to move its January-March event back in July – is deeply disappointed by the Recording Academy decision to share the date, which they expressed in a statement to Limit: “We are very disappointed to hear the conflicting date, March 14th, which was announced today for this year’s Grammy Awards TV broadcast. We announced the same date for the SAG Awards last July with the intent to give as much interest as possible in scheduling other award shows. We expect the same consideration from sister organizations across the industry. “

If you think SAG-AFTRA is banking Few very Strongly for your kindness From real strangers, consider it The optimism likely stems from a roughly similar situation that has occurred last year. The difference is, ThWhen the union learned that the Grammys had announced their TV broadcast for Same Night – Jan 26, 2020 – SAG Her event progressed by one week As a courtesy. Really Too much to ask for a little mutual courtesy? Probably not, but this is the same Recording Academy that suggested Justin Bieber deserves a positively paid ‘delicious’ promotion The Weeknd is nothing but dust. They know nothing of decency.

The Grammys didn’t respond to SAG-AFTRA and we don’t imagine they will, and they chose to keep putting off Plan C. But if the SAG Awards are looking for ideas here, there are tons of examples of Party Scheduling Gambit in TV and Cinema you can pull them off. We hope they do so soon Find out how to throw a competing social distant pager.

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