Talk Introduction: Sankranthiki Zombie-lu Vastunnaro!

Talk Introduction: Sankranthiki Zombie-lu Vastunnaro!

02 Jan 2021

Director Prasanth Varma of “AWE” fame has brought the first zombie genre to Tollywood and has blended this concept with the current global pandemic coronavirus that puts “Zombie Reddy”. The trailer was dubbed “Big Bite” Prabhas the displacement awards.

The trailer begins with Prime Minister Modi’s announcement of Corona and the closure. Tiga Saga who plays the main role travels to Realasima to attend his friend’s wedding. Unexpectedly a woman turns into a zombie and spreads from here on out just as the Covid-19 virus has erupted.

How to deal with zombies and save the village form the plot. The trailer is fun from start to finish and there’s even comedy in action episodes as well.

The trailer concludes with a woman screaming “Prathi Sankranthiki Allulu Vastaru .. Ee Sankranthiki Zombie-lu Vastunnaroo !!!” It is funny.

The surprising thing here is that “Zombie Reddy” has also closed its launch for the Sankranthi Festival but the date has not yet been finalized.

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