Spotify’s Car Thing appears in FCC files with a redesigned, larger screen

Spotify’s Car Thing appears in FCC files with a redesigned, larger screen

Back in May 2019, Spotify announced It will publicly test an intelligent audio-controlled automotive assistant the company has called “Car Thing.” But nearly two years later, we haven’t heard much about the project – though that may change soon. Something car appeared with a completely new design and bigger screen At FCC Refrigerators.

It looks like this new version of Car Thing will work similarly to the 2019 version – it’s “an audio-controlled extension for the phone / Spotify app with a display and supportive buttons,” according to the description on the files. “Bluetooth is enabled to communicate with the car head unit. Powered by a 12-volt outlet,” the description goes on honestly.

But the design is radically different. The new Car Thing looks like a tiny tablet with a kind of button and a large handle. It is pictured at the top of this post. Compare it to this image from Spotify for the release announced in 2019:

Spotify image of what Car Thing looked like in 2019.
Photo: Spotify

And if you want to get a better look at the latest version, we have collected some pictures from the new FCC files in this gallery, including just a few of the devices triggered. But disappointingly, it’s hard to tell anything about how the device works from the images, or what the software looks like.

It’s also unclear if this is a product that people will be able to acquire. A product that reaches the FCC does not necessarily mean that it will be released to the general public. And we didn’t hear much about the 2019 release of Car Thing after its initial announcement (although that was the case Journey through the FCC).

Spotify did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

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