Sources say Rich Scangarillo and Marty Morninwig are absent as the Philadelphia Eagles’ training change continues

Sources say Rich Scangarillo and Marty Morninwig are absent as the Philadelphia Eagles’ training change continues

PHILADELPHIA – Sources told ESPN correspondent Chris Mortensen that Eagles Senior Attack Assistant Rich Scangarello and chief attack adviser Marty Morninwij is about to expire and will not be returning to Philadelphia.

These departures follow news that Defense Coordinator Jim Schwartz will not return in 2021, and it is part of a major change in the training staff that is expected to end with a new offensive coordinator.

Coach Doug Pederson reversed course and parted from offensive coordinator Mike Groh and broad reception coach Carson Walsh at management’s request in January 2020, a day after Pederson publicly announced that they would be returning. Owner Jeffrey Lowry and General Manager Howie Rosman were active in the ensuing search for a new attack coordinator. Lori Graham Harrell wanted USC, according to a source, but the Vultures were unable to land him.

Instead, they went without offensive coordinator in 2020, upgrading Press Taylor to a passing game coordinator and adding a variety of auxiliaries as Lurie’s quest to import some new ideas into a low-key crime. The end result was so many sounds that the combination of Taylor, Scangarello, and Mornheng, and passing game analyst Andrew Brainer, created a cacophony in Pederson and Quarterback’s ears. Carson WentzThe sources said.

Pederson appeared to be referring to this dynamic earlier this month.

“There’s a lot of positivity that comes out of those connections and those conversations, those ideas. Really everyone has great ideas. That’s part of making plans together,” Pederson said. “But at the end of the day, I want to make sure there is only one voice, and this is my voice, which is heard hostilely and no one else’s voice.”

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The expectation is that the Eagles will fill the offensive position this time. Pederson has been reluctant to give up playing duties in the past, but he has done so ostensibly this season and said in December that temporarily abandoning play was “on the table”. How open he is to handing over those tasks full-time will influence the OC candidate pool.

The change in the offensive system comes after the 4-11-1 season, as Al-Nisour finished 26th by scoring (20.9 PPG) and 28th in passing (207.9 YPG).

Wentz declined significantly in his fifth year, finishing first in interceptions (15) and tops in sacks (50) despite only playing 12 matches. Galen Horts Replace it as a starter at Week 14.

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About the Author: Selena Craig

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