The launch of SpaceX Falcon 9 on the Turkish satellite from Cape Canaveral

The launch of SpaceX Falcon 9 on the Turkish satellite from Cape Canaveral

Cape Canaveral, Florida. After a very busy year, SpaceX plans to start 2021 with the first launch sooner Thursday from Cape Canaveral, sending a Turkish communications satellite. The Space Coast…

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SpaceX’s Starship SN9 prototype is launching its engines for the first time

SpaceX’s Starship SN9 prototype is launching its engines for the first time

SpaceX launched its latest releases Starship First prototype. The SN9’s three engines lit up For about one second today (Jan 6) at 5:07 PM EST (2200 GMT) during a steady…

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Last year, reusable rockets entered the mainstream, and there’s no going back

Last year, reusable rockets entered the mainstream, and there’s no going back

On December 13, 2020, a Falcon 9 rocket launched the Sirius XM-7 mission. This was the seventh flight of this first stage. Trevor Mahlman This was the most experienced missile…

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NASA’s new space telescope is set to reveal the secrets of the Big Bang

NASA’s new space telescope is set to reveal the secrets of the Big Bang

Early initial design of SPHEREx. NASA / Jet Propulsion Laboratory- California Institute of Technology The Big Bang theory is a cosmological model that describes how our current observable universe arose….

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The “starting point” of the Women’s Garden turns out to be an ancient Roman artifact

The “starting point” of the Women’s Garden turns out to be an ancient Roman artifact

A new analysis has discovered that a faded looking marble slab, used for 10 years as a starting point in an English garden, is actually a rare ancient Roman engraving….

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The Harvard astronomer still believed that the interstellar object was a strange technology

The Harvard astronomer still believed that the interstellar object was a strange technology

This site may earn affiliate commissions from the links on this page. Usage instructions. A prominent Harvard astronomer still spends much of his time contemplating our first encounter with an…

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Astronomers date back to the exact birthday of the universe

Astronomers date back to the exact birthday of the universe

What is the age of the universe? Astronomers have been seeking increasingly accurate estimates of its age for decades. Now, a new research paper based on observational data offers the…

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The largest valley in the solar system revealed in stunning new photos

The largest valley in the solar system revealed in stunning new photos

About 87 million miles (140 million km) above Grand CanyonA larger and larger abyss, penetrating the bowels of the Red Planet. Known as Valles Marineris, this system of deep and…

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The moon mysteriously rusts, and scientists think it’s our fault

The moon mysteriously rusts, and scientists think it’s our fault

The NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory at California Institute of Technology Reports that the moon is rusting It seems strange enough on the surface, but it becomes even weirder when you…

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Rover to explore the soul landing on Mars

Rover to explore the soul landing on Mars

Photo: Robin Beck / Agence France-Presse (Getty Images) On January 3, 2004, the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Soul He started making history. It landed on the Red Planet for the first…

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