Pope Francis is “sad” because people have gone “on vacation” to avoid lockdown

Pope Francis is “sad” because people have gone “on vacation” to avoid lockdown

Pope Francis And severely criticized on Sunday who I travelled Abroad to escape Corona Virus Shutdowns, saying she showed a lack of awareness and compassion.

The Pope spoke during the weekly afternoon blessing, which is usually given from a window overlooking Saint Peter’s Square. Blessing was carried indoors to discourage large crowds during a pandemic.

ROME, Italy – October 20: Pope Francis delivered his speech during the International Prayer Meeting for Peace “Nobody Survives Alone – Peace and Fraternity” at the Roman Church of Aracueli on October 20, 2020 in Rome, Italy. (Photo by Vatican Pool / Getty Images)

The Pope also highlighted the selfishness of what he read in the news, saying it “saddens him”.

Pope Francis said: “They did not think about those who were staying at home, the economic problems of the many people who were badly affected by the lockdown, and the sick.” According to Reuters.

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“(They thought) just go on vacation and have fun.

The Pope added: “We do not know what will save us in 2021, but what we can all do together is to do more to take care of each other.” “There is a temptation to only consider our interests.”

The Pope spoke on similar topics on New Year’s Day during the traditional blessing of angels, Fighting through the pain of the nerves to deliver the title.

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During this year’s speech, he called for peace, saying that “the epidemic has taught us how important it is to care about other people’s problems and share their concerns.”

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