Mets fires General Manager Jared Porter for sending unwanted explicit text message pictures to a reporter

Mets fires General Manager Jared Porter for sending unwanted explicit text message pictures to a reporter

Jared Porter has been fired from the position of General Manager for New York Mets On Tuesday morning, hours after the acknowledgment In a report from ESPN Mina Kames and Jeff Bassan He sent an unsolicited sexually explicit photo to a reporter while he was working on Chicago Caps As Director of Professional Survey 2016. The Blurred Image was the last message in a series of 62 consecutive unanswered texts.

“We finished finishing Jared Porter this morning,” Mets owner Steve Cohen announced on Twitter. “In my initial press conference I talked about the importance of integrity and I meant it. There should be no tolerance for this kind of behavior.”

Porter met the woman in an elevator at Yankee Stadium in June 2016 and asked her three times to have a drink before the day was over, according to Kim and Bassan. She eventually stopped responding to his text messages, but Porter kept texting her anyway, including sending pictures. Here’s more from Kimes and Passan, who grabbed the message screenshots:

She contacted ESPN Monday evening, and Porter admitted to texting the woman. He said at first that he didn’t send any photos of him. When he was told on the exchanges that he had sent out selfies and other pictures, he said, “The clearest pictures are not of me. Those are like, kind of like joke pictures.”

After being asked if ESPN plans to publish a story, he requested more time before rejecting further comments later.

Mets Chairman Sandy Alderson issued a statement on Monday and said that the team “will review the facts relating to this serious issue”. Here is his full statement:

“I spoke directly with Jared Porter regarding the events in 2016 that we learned about tonight for the first time. Jared has admitted to me his serious error in judgment, took responsibility for his behavior, expressed regret, and previously apologized for his actions.

“Mets takes these matters very seriously, expects professional and ethical behavior from all of our employees, and certainly does not condone the behavior described in your story. We will follow up as we review the facts regarding this serious matter.”

The woman, who was a foreign reporter living in the United States to cover baseball, told Kimes and Bassan that Porter’s abusive behavior was a “turning point” in her decision to leave the industry. And she said, “I started asking myself, ‘Why do I have to put myself in these situations to earn a living? “

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Last season, Mets fired manager Carlos Beltran before running any match due to his association with the Astros Signal theft scandal. Porter’s actions are more serious and he admitted them to ESPN and Alderson.

Porter, 41, broke into baseball with Red socks As a trainee in 2004 and stayed with Boston until he joined the Cubs in 2015. After two years with the Cubs, Porter joined Diamondbacks In 2017, he was with Arizona until he was named General Manager of Mets earlier that season. Here’s a look at potential GM candidates for the Mets after Porter’s sudden departure.

Cohen was recently accused of using vulgar language toward female employees and promoting a culture of sexism in his hedge fund in a complaint about gender discrimination. he got it The New York Times. Cohen’s investment company was also accused of hostility toward women in 2018.


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About the Author: Selena Craig

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