Jimmy Lynn Spears blames Tesla for the death of her cats

Jimmy Lynn Spears blames Tesla for the death of her cats

“We are lost now – I don’t even want to tell you how many cats.”

This is a Tesla car. Also known as a car or a car. But according Jimmy Lynn SpearsIt’s also the Secret Cat Killer.

Sjoerd van der Waal / Getty Images

On Friday, and Zoe 101 The actor went bust, claiming that her Tesla is a grim reaper for her cats. Yeah.

Jimmy said, “I know there are bigger things to worry about in the world right now, but someone has to tell Elon Musk that a Tesla car is a secret cat killer and it’s a problem that we really have to fix.” Deleted now Video.

Brendan Smyalovsky / Getty Images

Apparently, the unfortunate felines hadn’t heard the car coming before they went to glory. “We are lost now – I don’t even want to tell you how many cats,” Jamie shared. “It’s really devastating and tragic for everyone involved.”

Then Jimmy suggested to Elon “to make one of those sounds that disturb the ears of cats or animals when they raise their voice, that way, they know that something is happening and they are not surprised and things don’t end in a very dramatic way.”

“So, Elon Musk, let’s find out. I mean, you owe me a couple of cats,” she said. And now, I – and many others – are really worried about how many cats Jimmy Tesla has run over.

One person wrote on Twitter: “Jimmy Lynn Spears has not lost the number of cats she killed with Tesla.”

Jimmy Lynn Spears has not lost track of how many cats she killed along with her Tesla

“I’m sorry but nothing will do [distract] Today I am out of the fact that Jimmy Lynn Spears thinks Tesla’s fault is a serial cat killer, “this person wrote.

I’m sorry, but nothing will distract me today from the fact that Jimmy Lynn Spears thinks it’s Tesla’s fault that she is a serial cat killer.

Another added: “Hopefully all animal shelters will ban Jimmy Lynn Spears from adopting more cats.”

Hopefully all animal shelters will ban Jimmy Lynn Spears from adopting any other cats. VFS

Jimmy must have realized that people were terrified of her obscurity, so she clarified later, writing, “I’ve never run on any cats.”

She also retracted her initial comments blaming Tesla for the death of her kitten, which has been named Turkey. “Tesla should not be blamed, and it was never intended to be,” she wrote. “Admittedly, user error is involved.”

The 29-year-old said she was “only making a suggestion” for what apparently she knows … but IDK is how.

Anyway, Jamie ends her post saying that she loves Tesla, so that’s it. Let’s just hope her cats love her too.

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