Hilaria accused Baldwin of pretending to be Spanish

Hilaria accused Baldwin of pretending to be Spanish

If you’ve been to Twitter.com today, you’ve probably noticed that Hilaria Baldwin’s name is trending.

Mike Coppola / Getty Images

You know, Hilaria – fitness guru, mom of five with Alec Baldwin.

Now, you might have been under the impression that Hilaria is Spanish. First, many articles (and Google) say she was born in Mallorca.

Her official biography on her agency’s website also says that she was born in Spain.

She hinted that she moved from Mallorca to go to New York University.

Hilaria Baldwin participated in the #momtruths podcast in April 2020 and said she didn’t move to the US until she was 19 to go to New York University

It’s been said that she asked people to ask if she was, in fact, a nanny for her, “blond hair, kids with blue eyes” – because she speaks to them in Spanish.

Heck, she can’t even remember the word option!


You have to admire Hilaria Baldwin’s commitment to ten years in Spanish impersonation

“I was born in Boston, grew up, spending time with my family between Massachusetts and Spain,” she explained.

In the Instagram video, she spoke to her seemingly changing accent – saying it came from her bilingual upbringing. “It’s one of those things that I always felt a little insecure about […] If I feel nervous or upset, start mixing the two. “

As for her name, she stated: “In this country, I will use the name Hillary. In Spain, I will use the name Hilary. […] I know more about Hilaria, because that’s what my family calls me. “

“Yes, I’m a white girl. Let’s be clear that Europe has a lot of white people. My family is white. Ethnically, I’m a mixture of many, many, many things. Culturally, I grew up with two cultures. So, it’s really that simple.”

NBCUniversal / Getty Images

“In the past, I was so frustrated when journalists reported this or flagged this, and I’ll try to be very clear – and they’ll be like, ‘Oh, I was born in Spain.’

Hilaria then followed her story, saying, “I’m so tired. I’m going back to my family because I wasn’t a very good mom, I spent so much time focusing on this and I just want to be left alone. So I love you, and I’m going to leave for a long time.”

Looking at Hilaria’s tweets, it looks like she went to great lengths not to openly say that she was Spanish – but she came close:

AlecBaldwin This is everything a Spanish yoga teacher could want! Gracias Corazon

Include a Tweet as a child that wasn’t in Spain!

The whole thing sparked a conversation about why pretending to be an immigrant, especially from a country that doesn’t speak English, is a problem:

honigmaydl I don’t think it’s harmless – she pretends to have an immigrant experience who doesn’t speak fluent English and tends to have a sexy Hispanic stereotype that hurts both Latina and Latina women

lenibriscoe for me it’s not so much about race as it is about pretending to go through the challenges of being a teenager or an immigrant adult like learning English. As a teacher, I’ve seen kids go through this kind of challenge without wealth, and it hasn’t.

lenibriscoe is fully aware that this is offensive and diminishes the experience of actual immigrants but on a superficial level, it’s funny.

We will keep you updated in case of any further updates.

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