Goya CEO says the economic shutdown was politically motivated: ‘It killed our soul’

Goya CEO says the economic shutdown was politically motivated: ‘It killed our soul’

It is shutting down Economy It was the worst possible response to Coronavirus pandemicOn Friday, Goya Foods President and CEO Robert Onano said.

“The problem is that it is a political year. They used the Coronavirus as a weapon. Unfortunately, they shut down this economy,” Onanoy said.Fox and Friends. “

“The worst thing we can do is shut down our economy, it has killed our soul. We need a reason to wake up in the morning: God, family and work. They are taking away our souls, taking away our ability to work.”

Biden’s stimulus package of $ 1.9 trillion is a “rescue” plan for bad lockdown policies of blue countries: Waltz

In a letter to the nation on Thursday, President-elect Joe Biden outlined his plans to accelerate the nation’s COVID-19 vaccination program, boost capacity for coronavirus testing to help reopen businesses and schools and provide $ 1,400 incentive checks for Americans and federal funds for local governments to use in avoiding layoffs. Police officers, firefighters, and other first responders as well as teachers and health workers. Biden described it as “the American rescue plan.”

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Onano said the Democrats “basically declared martial law” by “shutting down everything”.

“It’s the worst thing we can do. Just for political gain, I think it’s a criminal act, and I think it’s unethical to shut down this economy for this … basically political reason,” Onano said.

Onano continued, “We are one nation under God. We are not one nation under Twitter, and we are not a single nation under the big media or under a basic government. We are trying to control the big media and technology our lives – the government controls our lives. We should not be far from it. God. We need to get closer to God. They want to abolish God. They want to abolish speech, our speech. They want to abolish our culture, history is our freedom. “

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Fox News David Montanaro Contribute to this report.

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