Godzilla Vs. Kong jumps to March at HBO Max and theatrical debut – Deadline

Godzilla Vs.  Kong jumps to March at HBO Max and theatrical debut – Deadline

Warner Bros., On waking up with goodness legendary On the simultaneous version of Godzilla vs Kong In theaters and beyond HBO Max, The movie will be released on March 26 instead of May 21.

It was reported last Friday that Warner Bros and funder Legendary, which owns the majority of the film, avoided legal involvement over the former’s decision to take the 2021 list entirely and dump it day and date on the HBO Max streaming service. Warners blocked a $ 200 million bid from Netflix for the monster mash.

Settle over whether Denis Villeneuve Dune In a theatrical role, HBO Max is still today and history is being split between WarnerMedia and Legendary. This movie has a release date on October 1st.

Godzilla vs Kong We will be looking to see some dough from those Asian open markets, especially China. The last movie Godzilla: King of Beasts, It did not do so in the USA with $ 110.5 million, but it did better abroad with $ 276.1 million for a total of $ 386.6 million.

Fourth legendary monster movie after Godzilla, Kong: Skull Island And the King of beasts It cost $ 200 million, with 75% support from Legendary, directed by Adam Weingard and written by Terry Rossio.

Logical Line: Legends collide as Godzilla and Kong, nature’s two most powerful forces, collide in an amazing battle of all time. As a swarm embarks on a perilous mission in wonderful, uncharted terrain, and reveals clues to the origins of the Titans and the survival of humanity, a plot threatens to wipe creatures, good or bad, off the face of Earth forever.

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The Warners moved recently Soprano prefix Many Saints are in Newark From 12 March to 24 September.

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