If you ever want a gigantic version of an actor David Hasselhoff In your house, you are in luck. A 14-foot-tall model of the actor wearing red Baywatch Savior swim trunks is up for sale by Diligent Auction Services Via Live Auctioneers website.
This large model of Hasselhoff made him stretch as if he was surfing. It was used in 2004 SpongeBob SquarePants movieAs well as showing during the 2010 Comedy Central Roast of Hasselhoff.
In the movie SpongeBob SquarePants Haselhof he is playing He swims across the sea with SpongeBob and Patrick on his back.
The Hasselhoff’s oversized pillar comes in two parts And it is supported on rolling metal racks. It measures approximately 167 x 54 x 54 inches. It’s really vibrant – right down to Hasselhoff’s back hair.
My highest bid is $ 1,500,000, but given that it’s already at $ 975,000 as of Monday, you might end up with a much larger sum. Live Bidding Event kicks off Jan 23 at 9 AM PDT.
This is not the first time that the giant Hasselhof prop has been auctioned. In 2014, he was about to put it up for sale in Julian’s auctions, at an estimated price of $ 30,000 at the time. But Hasselhoff, the propeller, I decided to take it out of the auction.
If you prefer to bid on another piece of TV pop culture history, Diligent Auction Services also does the auction. Hasselhoff’s KITT Knight Rider personal car, Pontiac Firebird supporting artificial intelligence from the 1980’s TV series. Her auction is estimated to be between $ 175,000 and $ 300,000. Since the car is currently located in the UK, the winner will also have to pay additional shipping costs.
From the Diligent Auction Services page featuring the KITT, the cabin appears to have all of the prop car’s bells and whistles. It was described on the auction site as “a fully functional KITT sedan with a full convertible.”
And that’s not even the best part of the KITT auto auction. If the winning bid exceeds 25 percent of the reserve price ($ 975,000), Hoff will personally deliver the car to the new owner.
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