Cyberpunk 2077 gets third-person mod ‘Working’

Cyberpunk 2077 gets third-person mod ‘Working’

An illustration of an article titled iCyberpunk 2077 / i Gets Work Third-Person Mod

A screen shot: Singel

There is now a mod available that lets you play Cyberpunk 2077 In third-person mode on PC, but be careful, while it works in the most basic and functional sense, it is not something that you want to use for any real time period.

The model created by Jelle Bakker, It can be downloaded here. Allows the player to move the camera back from Cyberpunk’s Virtual first person view, it allows you to not only navigate but most importantly like your clothes from third person perspective.

It takes a little bit of work to run, and requires separate code input in order to … load your head. Once everything is done, if you keep your movements slow and steady, they can look very good!

Video: Singil

If you move faster, or suddenly, things will look less elegant.

Video: MAD MAX

That’s cool, because if The Witcher 3 (or Grand Theft Autoor Doctrine killeror Red DeathShow us anything, is that we prefer our open-world games to be in third-person perspective so that we can see what we’re wearing and have a better ground in our surroundings.

But it also is Not Cool because this doesn’t really work, given a lot of Cyberpunk, From its combat to its animations to the animations of the player character itself, it was designed from the ground up to be experienced from the first person perspective, so this mode is episodic and not a whole new way to play the game.

If you want to try it, you can download it Here.

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