After 6 months, Covid survivors have health problems

After 6 months, Covid survivors have health problems

Most of the symptoms in the Wuhan report were more common among women, with 81 percent reporting at least one health problem, compared to 73 percent of men.

Reports of other respiratory diseases, such as the outbreak of SARS in 2003, another type of Coronavirus, indicate that some Covid survivors may suffer after effects for months or years. Most SARS patients recovered physically, but researchers found that many of them “Worrying levels of depression, anxiety, and PTSD” After one year.

In a comment accompanying the Lancet study, researchers from Italy wrote that 38 percent of SARS survivors had reduced oxygen flow from their lungs after 15 years, adding that “Evidence from previous coronavirus outbreaks suggests that a certain degree of lung damage can persist. “

While people who have been hospitalized due to Covid may have more serious or long-term physical problems, A growing body of evidence It shows that even people who have never been admitted to the hospital can have residual symptoms. Many of these patients seek care from the post-Covid clinics that have sprung up in the United States.

One A recent study By a patient-led research team that included 3,762 participants, most of them women, from 56 countries – most of whom had not been hospitalized. Nearly two-thirds of them reported that they had experienced symptoms for at least six months, and most said they were experiencing fatigue and that their symptoms became worse after physical or mental exertion, according to the report, which was not reviewed by colleagues. More than half of those with symptoms said they experienced “cognitive impairment.” Brain fog Or difficulty thinking or concentrating.

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Dr. Peloso noted that since Wuhan’s patients were admitted to the hospital in the first half of 2020, most of them have not been treated with some recently recognized treatments such as remdesivir or dexamethasone, so it is unclear whether people receiving these treatments will experience the same degree of treatment. Long time. Term complications.

However, he and other doctors said the study picture of chronic symptoms seemed correct. Dr. Ferrante said that in the post-Covid recovery program where she treats patients, “nearly everyone I see reports impairment in either physical or cognitive function, or both.”

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