Actress’s friend Tania Roberts told midway through the interview that she is still alive despite reports of her death

Actress’s friend Tania Roberts told midway through the interview that she is still alive despite reports of her death

After widespread reports of actress Tanya Roberts’ death, her longtime boyfriend was seriously shocked by the hospital During an interview with Inside Edition- She was actually still alive. The former Bond girl and “Charlie’s Angels” star suddenly collapsed on Christmas Eve after walking her two dogs.

Newspapers across the country published reports on her death. While Stephen Fabian of the Inside Edition was interviewing her boyfriend, Lance O’Brien, he answered the phone.

“Now, are you telling me she’s alive?” O’Brien said before he broke down in tears.

“The hospital told me she was alive. They’re calling me from the ICU team,” O’Brien said.

O’Brien said Roberts didn’t have it Covid-19 But due to hospital protocols, he was not allowed to be at her bedside at Cedars Sinai Medical Center to calm her down until the last hours of Sunday.

“When she saw me and I was there, I saw her eyes open. I felt good. I said, ‘Hey, her eyes are opening. Her eyes are opening.’ O’Brien said, ‘They told me this was just a reaction.”

He added that hospital staff told him that “she has no hope of living.”

Roberts often talked to fans during live chats The social networking site Facebook. “I’ve been walking with my dog ​​and doing exercises at home,” she said during a conversation on December 19.

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