Was that a dropped call from ET?

Was that a dropped call from ET?

Nobody thinks it was a phone call from ET, but radio astronomers admit that they have no explanation yet for a beam of radio waves that appears to have come…

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The Japanese solution to the problem of space waste is the wooden satellites that would burn on return

The Japanese solution to the problem of space waste is the wooden satellites that would burn on return

Japanese Researchers are working on satellite technology that would use woody components to eliminate excess Void Scrap, which allows things to burn when returned to Earth’s atmosphere, according to a…

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Astrology calendar 2021: Eclipses, meteor showers, and other astronomical events this year

Astrology calendar 2021: Eclipses, meteor showers, and other astronomical events this year

Go through the telescope and straighten your neck, because we will see another year of stars. Two lunar eclipses, a good summer meteor shower, and close planetary synchrony highlight the…

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Satellite images show that the rivers of the United States change from blue to yellow and green

Satellite images show that the rivers of the United States change from blue to yellow and green

A third of the rivers of the United States have changed dramatically over the past 36 years, turning from blue to yellow and green, revealing stunning new images. The researchers…

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All the space exploration missions we look forward to in 2021

All the space exploration missions we look forward to in 2021

Most of us will remember 2020 primarily as the year of the great pandemic, but let’s not forget how space exploration and astronomy had good years given the circumstances. NASA…

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A man in the northern region says his wife is out of a coma after more than two months of hospitalization with COVID-19

A man in the northern region is recovering from the effects of COVID-19 after spending more than two months in the hospital. Don Gilmer, of Modlin, tested positive for COVID-19…

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A new astronomical cluster discovered by astronomers

A new astronomical cluster discovered by astronomers

Color image of galaxy density map at 0.36 redshift from Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) from eROSITA. The white circles mark the location of the clusters of the eight galaxies that make…

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All of the dark matter in the universe may be primordial black holes – formed from the collapse of children’s universes shortly after the Big Bang

All of the dark matter in the universe may be primordial black holes – formed from the collapse of children’s universes shortly after the Big Bang

by Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe December 28, 2020 Small universes branching out of our universe shortly after the Big Bang appear to us as…

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The fusion reactor sets the record with running for 20 seconds

The fusion reactor sets the record with running for 20 seconds

This site may earn affiliate commissions from the links on this page. Usage instructions. Most of the methods we currently use to produce energy come with significant drawbacks such as…

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Ripples in spacetime could provide clues to missing universe components

Ripples in spacetime could provide clues to missing universe components

Illustration of blending waves and creating a new signature signature. Credit: Izquiyaga and Zumalacaregi There is very little about our theory of the universe. Almost everything is suitable, but there…

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