Astronomers witnessed the death of a distant galaxy for the first time

Astronomers witnessed the death of a distant galaxy for the first time

When stars in a galaxy stop forming, that galaxy will die. Astronomers have observed, for the first time ever, this phenomenon in a distant galaxy. according to CNN ReportIn Chile,…

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NASA helps promote the return to the moon plan

NASA helps promote the return to the moon plan

anyway NASA You may have trouble getting back to the moon By 2024, the US space agency will eventually do its best to explore the surface of the Moon, announcing…

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NASA’s spacecraft discovers that the universe is less crowded than we thought

NASA’s spacecraft discovers that the universe is less crowded than we thought

This very wide, multi-frame panoramic photograph was taken in October 2014 at Canyon de Chile National Monument in Northeast Arizona. The zodiacal light is at the left, with the northern…

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Astronomers have discovered the fastest rotating magnetic star ever

Astronomers have discovered the fastest rotating magnetic star ever

Far out in the Milky Way, 21,000 light-years from Earth, astronomers have discovered the fastest rotating magnetic star (and possibly the smallest as well) ever. And this is just the…

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Astronomers are watching for the first time the death of a “far, far away” galaxy

Astronomers are watching for the first time the death of a “far, far away” galaxy

For the first time ever, astronomers have seen a very far distance The galaxy He began to die in a potentially large breakthrough, According to CNN. Galaxies die when the…

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A strange new star created by colliding white dwarves is unlike anything we’ve seen before

A strange new star created by colliding white dwarves is unlike anything we’ve seen before

The central star in the IRAS 00500 + 6713 nebula may be a new species. The European Space Agency (ESA) XMM-Newtown X-ray Telescope saw the star and nebula shining green…

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The babies of megalodon sharks were cannibals in the womb

The babies of megalodon sharks were cannibals in the womb

At birth, the megalodon was about 6.6 feet, or 2 meters, tall. According to a study Published Sunday in the Journal of Historical Biology. Study author Kensho Shimada, a professor…

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The Stone Age may have lasted up to 20,000 years longer than previously thought in some areas

The Stone Age may have lasted up to 20,000 years longer than previously thought in some areas

Recent archaeological discoveries have revealed that the Stone Age period may have lasted 20 thousand years in some parts of Africa longer than previously thought. New discoveries at sites in…

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The study indicates that young megalodons were cannibals 6 feet tall

The study indicates that young megalodons were cannibals 6 feet tall

Scans of a subset of nearly hundreds of its vertebrae – some the size of a grapefruit – showed that the shark had died at the age of 46. The…

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Earth’s rotation accelerates in 2020, we may need a ‘negative leap second’

Earth’s rotation accelerates in 2020, we may need a ‘negative leap second’

Another strange thing about 2020: Planet acceleration. The speed of the planet’s rotation often drifts slightly, depending on changes in winds, ocean currents, or rolls around Earth’s molten core. But…

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