Japan’s rulers are calling for a state of emergency over COVID

Japan’s rulers are calling for a state of emergency over COVID

The Japanese The capital and three provinces close to the national government have requested the declaration of a state of emergency to curb the increasing spread Coronavirus pandemic.

The COVID-19 vaccine is being passed on to US forces overseas

“In the name of appreciating life, we made this appeal together,” Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike said after a three-hour meeting on Saturday with the minister responsible for coronavirus measures, along with the rulers of Saitama, Chiba and Kanagawa.

Japan has seen a recent rise in reported cases of COVID-19, especially in urban areas. Tokyo It experienced a daily record of 1,337 cases On New Year’s Eve.

From left, Saitama Governor Motohiro Ono, Chiba Governor Kinsaku Morita, Japanese Economy Minister Yasutoshi Nishimura, Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike and Kanagawa Governor Yuji Kuroywa met with journalists in Tokyo after Tokyo and three other Japanese prefectures close to the national government requested the declaration of a “state of emergency” Saturday 2 January 2021 (Muneyuki Tomari / Kyodo News via AP)

Concerns are growing about hosting the Olympics, Scheduled for July, with 11,000 Olympic athletes slated to enter Japan, in addition to tens of thousands of officials and The media.

Koike said: “Corona does not know the calendar,” referring to her fears of the spread of infection due to New Year’s celebrations.

Hospitals Accumulate, affecting everyone’s medical care. “

The minister said that the two sides agreed that the situation is critical, but that medical experts will be consulted before making a decision.

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Japan never faced lockdown, attempting instead to reconcile the need to hold the Economy Go with the health risks. Warnings issued bear no Penalties.

The government was also sending conflicting messages with a campaign to encourage Travel With the discounts, though, that’s discontinued.

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Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga has come under fire for what some consider to be his mishandling of the pandemic. Japan has so far recorded more than 3,500 deaths related to the virus.

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